Teresa Sermak
Opodatkowanie dochodów z działalności artystycznej
The subject of the thesis concerns the legal situation of an artist in the tax law in the context of the tax rules related to the artists’ income. Currently, as there exists no comprehensive study on the subject, this analysis aims at a synthetic presentation of the most important regulations related to artists, in terms of polish legislation. Some basic concepts and definitions are presented in the introduction. The mere area of the study outlining tax rules related to the artists’ income, is focused on various forms of their activity in the market, including obtaining revenues from copyrights, personal activity or a business activity, as well as revenues from an employment relationship.
The scope of this essay comprises an analysis of the relevant provisions of tax law, but also the relevant provisions of the copyright law and civil law.
General conclusions that stem from the analysis show the lack of concrete definitions that should be applied to tax law, as well as the imperfections of the provisions related to artists.
It is of an utmost importance to underline the fact that the position of an artist, with some exceptions, is not significantly different from the position of any other entity acting in the market, although some specific tax rules are directed at this particular taxpayer.
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Key words: income tax, artists’ income, rules of taxation, qualification of sources of income