Jowita Pustuł
Zagadnienia podatkowe związane z finansowaniem grupy kapitałowej – umowy o kredyt parasolowy
Finding proper sources of financing is an important element of the business strategy. Some corporate groups decide to receive financing from external sources including umbrella loan agreements with unrelated financial institutions. Acquiring financing as a group of companies allows related parties to obtain funds from banks under more favorable conditions than would be possible for each of them on a stand-alone basis. Under umbrella agreements, banks provide funding to a group of companies on the condition that all group members are jointly and severally liable for the full amount of the credit facility. The obligation to pay jointly and severally may have tax implication for related parties. The author examines Dutch case on intercompany loan and its practical implications, focusing on the transfer pricing perspective.
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- Blough S., Sporken E., Middelkoop B., Fedina L., Practical implications from four Dutch Supreme Court rulings, U.S. characterization of intercompany debt instruments, Tax Management Transfer Pricing Report, nr 24, 2012.
- Wijtvliet L., Ruijschop M., The Dutch Extreme Default Risk Loan: A New Dimension in International Debt/Equity Mismatches, Intertax, nr 11, 2012.
- Damsma B., Łukosz K., No Deduction Allowed for Loss under Cross-Guarantee, International Transfer Pricing Journal, nr 4, 2013.
- Pustuł J., Umowy o podziale kosztów a ustalenie ceny transferowej, Toruński Rocznik Podatkowy 2013.
- Pustuł J., Cash-pooling - konsekwencje w podatku od towarów i usług oraz podatku od czynności cywilnoprawnych (cz. I), Przegląd Ustawodawstwa Gospodarczego, nr 4, 2015.
- Pustuł J., Nieodpłatne poręczania i gwarancje – jak ustalać przychód z nieodpłatnych świadczeń, Przegląd Podatkowy, nr 5, 2013.
Key words: umbrella loan agreement, corporate groups, the arm's length principle, liability, guarantee