ISSN 2080-9573

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J. Zawiejska-Rataj, A. Podsiadły
The ability to adjudicate on the amount of loss in corporate income tax incurred in the year for which the tax liability expired


Important doubts in both case law and doctrine are connected with the issue of expiration of the limitation period for the period in which the tax loss occurred, while it is not questionable on the basis of the literal wording of the applicable provisions that in the case of limitation of tax liability for a given period, the tax proceedings concerning it should be discontinued as irrelevant,.
The authors cite the grounds and justification for two divergent positions regarding the aforementioned, i.e.:
•    that the decision determining the loss can be issued as long as it is possible to verify the declaration for the tax year in which the loss was settled (deducted);
•    that it is not permissible to conduct tax proceedings and adjudicate on the amount of loss in corporate income tax for the tax year in which it was incurred, when the tax liability for this year expired.
Bearing in mind the presented discrepancies, the Authors assess the impact of the Resolution of the Supreme Administrative Court in Warsaw (7 judges of the Supreme Administrative Court) of November 6, 2017, Ref. II FPS 3/17 on the issue of "limitation of the possibility to adjudicate on loss".



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Key words:  tax loss, loss examining, loss adjudication, determining decision, tax control, customs-fiscal control, tax proceedings

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Redakcja „Toruńskiego Rocznika Podatkowego” informuje,  że wersją pierwotną (referencyjną) czasopisma jest wydanie elektroniczne (ISSN 2080-9573).