ISSN 2080-9573

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Paweł Kamiński

The issue of the application by the tax authorities of a regulation suspending the limitation period of tax liability. Analysis of the practical consequences of the application of art. 70 § 6 point 1 of the Tax Ordinance Act.




The author focuses in the article on the abuses by tax authorities by suspending the limitation period of tax liabilities under the institution referred to in Art. 70 § 6 point 1 of the Tax Ordinance Act in the context of the purpose of this institution, its history, jurisprudence, the views of representatives of the doctrine of tax law and the whole legal system in force in Poland, with particular emphasis on criminal and constitutional law and proposals for alternative legal regulations. Moreover, author expound few different ways of interpreting described regulation. The author also notes the Ombudsman's request to the Constitutional Court to declare that this regulation is unconstitutional as well as opinions on this matter submitted by the Attorney General and the Polish Sejm. In addition, the subject of the analysis is the relationship between the described regulation and art. 114a of the Fiscal Penal Code and the consequences of that relationship.




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Key words: tax proceedings and fiscal criminal proceedings, tax, limitation, suspension, Tax Ordinance Act, administrative court, fiscal penal code, tax authority



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Redakcja „Toruńskiego Rocznika Podatkowego” informuje,  że wersją pierwotną (referencyjną) czasopisma jest wydanie elektroniczne (ISSN 2080-9573).